Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lady Gone Bad by Sabine Starr

The saloon singer known as "Lady Gone Bad" is the most drop-dead gorgeous outlaw the West has ever seen. Lady has never met a cowboy she couldn't entice, or a lawman she couldn't outrun. But when Lady tangles with a sexy U.S. Marshall, she's tempted to stick around long enough to watch him lay down the law - in her bed. 

U. S. Marshall Rafe Morgan wants to lock up Lady Gone Bad for good - and he won't let his attraction to her slow him down. But when his attempt to bring Lady to justice goes awry, Rafe is nearly hanged - and by dawn, his face is plastered next to hers on every "Wanted" poster in Texas. 

Now on the run together, Rafe and Lady find themselves in very close quarters - and even more compromising positions. As Lady surrenders to Rafe's touch, she slowly begins to reveal all her secrets - including her real name. Maybe "Lady Gone Bad" isn't beyond redemption after all. Either way, Rafe is in for one wild ride...

Buy This Book from Book Depository, Free Delivery World Wide

Paperback, 304 halaman
Penerbit : Brava
Terbit 28 Agustus 2012
Bahasa Inggris

Wow! Itu yang pertama kali muncul di pikiran saya waktu melihat sampulnya pertama kali. Saya suka banget. Alasannya, karena suka cowboy. :D
Didukung warnanya yang pas banget, merah dan coklat, saya langsung kebayang perjalanan di tengah padang rumput di siang hari dan sore hari. Panas, tapi juga menjelang matahari terbenam. Selain itu, judulnya menarik perhatian saya. Jadi, cuma berbekal karena suka cover dan judul, (dan juga sinopsis tapi itu nggak jadi alasan kuat banget), saya beli buku ini.

Ceritanya sih terbilang cukup familiar ya. Seorang penyanyi wanita cantik yang reputasinya terkenal, cerdas, berani, dan diduga terlibat secara hukum. Prianya? Aparat hukum yang ganteng, tinggi, macho, cerdas, gentleman, berkarakter kuat namun luluh begitu liat si cewek.
Ketika akhirnya mereka berdua saling bertemu, mulai deh terlibat ini itu, dibumbui sama reaksi-reaksi kimia yang membuat keduanya kaget dan nggak nyaman. Tau kan, perasaan aku-tidak-pernah-merasakan-hal-ini-dengan-orang-lain-sebelumnya?

Anyway, baca ini berasa banget nonton film ala Hollywood. Udah ketebak sih endingnya, tapi tetep aja saya menikmatinya. Agak-agak nggak suka sama adeknya Rafe yang katanya guru yang pemalu dan pendiam. Tapi pas dia muncul, kesan itu nggak ada sama sekali. Nggak heran juga sih kalo Rafe agak syok dengan perubahan sikap adiknya. Dan nggak nyangka juga sih akhir cerita adeknya gitu, dan ternyata itu yang justru akan dibahas di buku kedua, Angel Gone Bad.
Nggak sabaaaar ...

Khusus buat buku ini saya kasih bintang 4 buat segi cerita dan karakter. Tapi karena saya suka sama cover dan judulnya, saya kasih 5 deh. ^^


  1. Hi Didi,
    Thanks for the terrific book review of LADY GONE BAD! I had fun writing it, especially visiting all the locales featured in the books. ANGEL GONE BAD (3/2013) returns to the Old West with more excitement and romance. I'm writing BRIDE GONE BAD right now and am loving it! Hope all is well with you. Sabine

    1. Hi, Sabine. I'm so sorry I didn't see your comment here. The internet connection was lousy for more than a week so I kinda retreat myself from the internet activity. -_-'
      I certainly can't wait to read your next book. I didn't expect it to continue to third book, but now I'm soooo thrilled! And wondering, who's going to be in it. Keep up your great work. Wish your writing always getting better and greater than before.
      Thank you very much for stopping by. :)

  2. Great news! LADY GONE BAD is FREE on Kindle and Nook this week. I hope lots of folks enjoy my first Old West romantic thriller!

    I'm so glad you're enjoying my Gone Bad Series. ANGEL GONE BAD will be out March 7 and tells Rune, the Viking, and Angel's love story. You'll meet Lucky in ANGEL GONE BAD, and then he's back with Tempest in BRIDE GONE BAD to set off more fireworks in Texas and Indian Territory.

    Thanks for the well wishes,
